Located between Kyoto and Nagoya, Hikone is a quiet town steeped in history and tradition. The primary attraction is Hikone Jyo, built in the early 1600s during the Edo period and one of only five castles officially listed as a national treasure. With few exceptions, Hikone Castle is visible from anywhere in town and is photo-worthy year round.
Located between Kyoto and Nagoya, Hikone is a quiet town steeped in history and tradition. The primary attraction is Hikone Jyo, built in the early 1600s during the Edo period and one of only five castles officially listed as a national treasure. With few exceptions, Hikone Castle is visible from anywhere in town and is photo-worthy year round.
Located between Kyoto and Nagoya, Hikone is a quiet town steeped in history and tradition. The primary attraction is Hikone Jyo, built in the early 1600s during the Edo period and one of only five castles officially listed as a national treasure. With few exceptions, Hikone Castle is visible from anywhere in town and is photo-worthy year round.